Saturday, September 19, 2009

Donations for 10 cents drive

10cents drive showing parents comments

In my opinion this was a great way for to help others by doing well themselves. Here you see a few comments by parents and relatives about their own children while donating money to help other children.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

AdiDravida Elementary School June 2009

I conducted a MahaDarshan program in this school in the early part of 2009. I visited the school today for a follow up and also spoke to the children on various aspects of education and life. The children were shy and hesitant at first but eventually became interactive and enthusiastic. Some of them even volunteered to give small speeches after I taught them my basic public speaking skills. I intend to work with this school on a regular basis.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Rejoining Deenabandu children in person - June 2009

It is truly a pleasure! With children calling me "Akka, Akka" as I walked in, it was a special feeling. I have continued to work with the children since I last visited. I spoke to several of them on the phone and conducted competitions for different grade levels, so going back again was more of a homecoming for me!

Here are some video clippings from the program - watch part 2 in particular

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Feb 2009: 10 cents drive and Mahadarshan in action...

In Februrary of 2009, 3 schools were selected in the Southern Indian town of Vellore to participate in a new and unique kind of competition.  Unlike the type of learning the children are used to, these children were asked to come up with creative ways to make their community a better place to live in. The children in the orphanage were asked to write an essay on how to productively use a 1000 dollar gift to their school to make it a better place.
The pictures and videos in this blog will explain the rest. The more we get involved with these children, the more committed I am to continue to do my part to work with these beautiful young children to think beyond what they regularly learn in their curriculum. Some of the gifts which were given out as prizes comes from the 10 cents.  Many parents contributed, acknowledging the hard work their children have put in their respective classes in the USA.
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